hello human!

My name is Itai Weinstock (as you probably have already figured out), I'm 36, from Tel-Aviv and I'm what they call a "motion graphics designer". I have graduated Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in the Visual Communication department, with a focus on motion graphics as my major and currently working as a freelance graphic designer.

I love animating, illustrating, photographing, image making, editing, typography-arranging and other things that might or might not really end with 'ing', but above all, I love to experiment, create beautiful things, brainstorm concepts and to collaborate with other creative minds!

☑ Illustrator
☑ Photoshop
☑ InDesign
☑ After Effects
☑ Premiere
☑ Figma

☑ Human Interaction
☑ Team Player
☑ Dedication
☑ Common Sense